Faith, Pregnancy

Jesus Loves Me…Baby Russell

Some days life doesn’t make sense. I want to scream, cry and stomp my feet. God’s plan eludes me.

The appointment Monday did not go as we had hoped.

I will never forget the 
moment they told 
me your heart had stopped. 
Even though mine broke 
in that second, it strangely 
kept beating.” 
-Zoe Clark-Coates-

Our sweet little baby went to live with Jesus.

We are heartbroken.

The doctors assure us nothing we did could have caused this. They praise us for fighting as long as we did.

Intellectually we know they are right, we didn’t cause this. Emotionally, we can’t help but feel like failures. I would have fought forever to hold you in my arms.

I am so sorry we couldn’t protect you.

You can rest now.

God will take care of you.

Where there are no words... 
know the silences are 
carrying the 
thoughts and prayers 
of all who love you.“ 
-Dawn Dais-



2 thoughts on “Jesus Loves Me…Baby Russell

  1. Oh Caroline, I’m so sorry. I wish I had words of wisdom or comfort for you. I pray for peace and understanding for you and Kevin. Know that you are not alone in your loss. People, myself included, would welcome the opportunity to help you in anyway we can. I wish I was closer to give you a long hug and then we could go sun ourselves in the bull pasture like old times. Love you.

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